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How can I play Frightsters?

You can play Frightsters for free on this very website, on any somewhat recent PC or mobile device.

What are the minimum system requirements?

  • 2GB RAM
  • 2x 2GHz CPU
  • WebGL1 + WASM support (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
  • iPhone 6s, Galaxy S5

Frightsters is designed to be light on resources, so as long as your device is somewhat recent, it should run fine. We also offer a handful of quality settings, such as anti-aliasing and framerate control, just in case your device cannot run Frightsters well.

Does netplay work across platforms?

Yes. No matter what device you use to play Frightsters, netplay works all the same.

Is the netplay good?

Yes. Because Frightsters is a turn-based game, the connection quality between you and your opponent doesn’t matter. So you really can play with anyone anywhere in the world and get exactly the same quality experience.

Will Frightsters help me find true love?

There’s no reason why it couldn’t.

Can I use a controller?

Yes. Frightsters can be played with a controller, a keyboard and mouse, and with touch controls. So you can fright in bed, fright on the couch, fright at your job, fright in the back of the car – fright all over the place.

Which controllers can I use?

Frightsters only requires the following inputs:

  • DPad
  • A button, B button
  • Start, Select

So any standard joypad should work.

Can my little bambino play Frightsters?

For the moment, Frightsters does not have any official maturity rating, but as we move closer to release we will have Frightsters rated. We expect for Frightsters to receive an E10+ rating from the ESRB.

Will Frightsters cure my baldness?

There’s no reason why it couldn’t.

Was AI used in the production of Frightsters?

All code, artwork, music, writing, and all other assets were sourced from human hands, for better or worse.

ChatGPT was used to help with obscure programming issues, and SD/DALL-E for amusement and inspiration.